This is a feminist issue considering hackathon practices prevent the growth of a diverse, critical tech sphere.
Issue 43
on November 18th, 2016
I exist for men’s own sexual self-exploration, a freak without my own right to privacy or freedom from public shame, a resource for their own self-discovery -- that like all things in an on-demand world, they feel entitled to access at any time.
Issue 42
on October 17th, 2016
No one heard us, no one stood up for us, no one tried to help us. Instead they tried to silence us.
Issue 29
on November 3rd, 2015
We still see male-dominated lineup after male-dominated lineup, at clubs and festivals predominantly run by male bookers and promoters.
Issue 28
on October 14th, 2015
Anti-content control rhetoric supplants widely-available psychological and sociological facts for misinformed opinions that are not only insufficient for helping others manage their own mental state, but offer wholly inadequate solutions for online abuse.
Issue 26
on August 31st, 2015
It seems to have occurred to no one that if we could stop punishing people for being mentally ill, and for speaking up about it, we could actually get the "conversation" we claim to want.
Issue 25
on August 10th, 2015
#GiveYourMoneyToWomen is more than a hashtag, it’s a theory and practical framework of gender justice.
2014 in Review
on December 9th, 2014
The leaking of celebrity nudes was a part of the larger trend in 2014: reminding women of our place and using technology and the sexism in tech to do so.
Sex and Sexuality
on September 8th, 2014
It creates an environment where a woman’s sexuality is an item for public consumption, a thing which can be approved of or rejected, valued or denigrated by the community.