Bardot Smith is the alias of an analyst, entrepreneur, and demimondaine living on the East Coast. She focuses her time on private consulting, media and writing on economics and desire under capitalism. She is the founder of MISTRES.SE, an agency designed to build the modern technical and financial infrastructure for the adult industry.
Give Your Money To Women: The End Game of Capitalism
#GiveYourMoneyToWomen is more than a hashtag, it’s a theory and practical framework of gender justice.
Sex, Money, and the Trillion Dollar Shadow
Sex workers have long driven major revolutions in technology. They have also been at the forefront of innovating new business models for content, communications, and services themselves.
by Bardot Smith
Silicon Valley’s Cult of Male Ego
It creates an environment where a woman’s sexuality is an item for public consumption, a thing which can be approved of or rejected, valued or denigrated by the community.
by Bardot Smith