Presumption of a disposable income, able-bodied access and ability to use any tool, while prioritizing heterosexual monogamy, whiteness and cis identity, all create a sex toy culture that rejects and erases marginalized users.
Issue 32
on February 4th, 2016
Two ideas conspire to drive underrepresented groups from the field: the belief that innate ability and brilliance are required to succeed; and the belief that certain groups of people do not have that innate brilliance.
2015 Year in Review
on December 16th, 2015
Protecting yourself online takes time, money and privilege.
Issue 30
on November 23rd, 2015
We continue to arbitrarily trust the judgements of white, able-bodied, neurotypical cis dudes to define personhood in the digital world.
Issue 25
on August 11th, 2015
Making as a gay man is a political statement that I will not be relegated to the periphery of society, seen as inconsequential, or be without the power to shape my own world and the worlds of others.
Issue 20
on April 30th, 2015
As much as social media activism has evolved, it cannot escape its dependency on oppressive norms, ripping the legitimacy of movements from their creators.
Issue 19
on April 8th, 2015
The changing faces and storefronts reveal another chapter in the long ugly history of race and power.
Issue 18
on March 18th, 2015
The gap between my experience as a black woman in tech, and what others perceive of that experience.
Issue 17
on February 24th, 2015
In an industry where black, Latina, and indigenous womyn make up less than 3% of the field, we know that walking through those code school doors, we will be outliers.
on November 19th, 2014
Most “get into tech” programs are only accessible to computer science students and rich people. The rest of us are left behind.