CG is a writer, activist, and professional fangirl from New Jersey. She is committed to shifting ideas of diversity in nerd culture and SFF, one Internet rant at a time. Her work can be found on her blog, as well as various other places online.
The Line Between Innovation & Pleasure: On Tech And The Sex Toy Industry
Presumption of a disposable income, able-bodied access and ability to use any tool, while prioritizing heterosexual monogamy, whiteness and cis identity, all create a sex toy culture that rejects and erases marginalized users.
by Cameron G.
Racist Tech and The End of Culture Complacency
Even though consequences are necessary to address the racism in technology, we have built a culture that refuses accountability.
by Cameron G.
The Predatory Search And Exploitation of Free Labor
The industries we know and love are being built on our free labor, our hunt for “experience,” and our naivety about our worth.
by Cameron G.
Anonymity and Toxic Internet Culture
Confronting the darkness that lies with anonymity as a defining factor of online spaces.
by Cameron G.
Social Media Activism And The Problem With Legitimacy
As much as social media activism has evolved, it cannot escape its dependency on oppressive norms, ripping the legitimacy of movements from their creators.
by Cameron G.