If an app isn’t developed firstly for the Western market, tech press suggests its success isn’t worth knowing about.
Issue 40
on August 17th, 2016
Handling of online abuse often leads to *further* oppression of marginalized voices.
Issue 39
on July 27th, 2016
What if we were able to harness technology independent of military and carceral dictation of the movement? How can we think about technologies in ways that would be helpful to women, not used as violence against us?
Issue 39
on July 25th, 2016
Blockchain's scorecard on diversity is no better than the rest of the tech world. In fact, it is arguably worse.
Issue 37
on May 27th, 2016
The anti-online harassment movement is already replicating many of the shortcomings, failures, erroneous assumptions and faulty strategies of the larger violence against women movement.
Issue 37
on May 25th, 2016
Many companies preach about diversity, but do nothing of substance to address their issues.
Issue 36
on April 27th, 2016
Attempts to get -- and keep -- more women in tech put the onus solely on women themselves… at tremendous time and cost.
Issue 36
on April 27th, 2016
The high visibility of indie success stories creates the illusion that commercial success is accessible and achievable by all, disregarding the challenges most indie developers face.
Issue 36
on April 25th, 2016
The overwhelming focus on imposter syndrome doesn’t provide a space to process the power dynamics affecting you; you get gaslighted into thinking it’s *you* causing all the problems.