Veve Jaffa
@gutter__squidVeve Jaffa is a bioluminescent creator of filmic and digital worlds, queering canon one beloved cis-heteronormative narrative at a time.
Support Veve‘s work: www.patreon.com/joiedeveve?ty=
Play Veve‘s games: joiedeveve.itch.io
Welcome to Virtual Reality: Valid Identification Required
While you’re exploring virtual reality, Facebook is exploring you.
by Veve Jaffa
Twitter’s New Verification Process is a Game Rigged Against Its Marginalized Users
Verification fragments an open platform based on social hierarchy and provides rewards and treatment accordingly.
by Veve Jaffa
Downloadable Diversity: How AAA Games Monetize Minority Representation
Diverse characters and storylines are often withheld from games to be sold as optional add-ons for additional cost.
by Veve Jaffa
The Myth of The Indie Game Success Story Needs to Stop and Here’s Why
The high visibility of indie success stories creates the illusion that commercial success is accessible and achievable by all, disregarding the challenges most indie developers face.
by Veve Jaffa
GDC, Assimilation and Opportunity: What A Free Event Ticket Costs When You’re A Marginalized Developer
As the majority of marginalized developers risk financial stability to attend industry events, our primary goal, too, goes ignored: building the resources and capital to finance our work.
by Veve Jaffa
Ohmygod Are You Going To Be Alright? An Interview on Passion, Perseverance and Hope for the Future with Anna Anthropy
"I don't know if I believe in passion. Passion is the thing that lets us overlook how badly we're hurting."
by Veve Jaffa
& Anna Anthropy
Intel at IndieCade: The Cost of Diversity in Games
Marginalized developers suffer from an industry-wide epidemic that withholds basic income from hard-working artists for the dubious privilege of exposure. But despite popular belief, we are not in dire need of exposure, petty consolations, or a tent on the outskirts of a major industry event.
by Veve Jaffa
Calling all Ladies, Dames and Fems: How Inclusive Spaces In Tech Harm the Communities Most in Need
Organizations run by primarily white, cis, straight founders train the majority of their focus on alleviating alienation for white cis women in cis male-centric spaces, but do little to dig deeper into other marginalized identities and access needs.
by Veve Jaffa