Issue 36
the Week of April 25, 2016

In this issue, we deconstruct the rhetoric of imposter syndrome, cover the implications of artificial intelligence for queer and trans people, and critique claims behind the 3D printing “revolution.” We look at the cost of the Lean In industry on women in tech, and ponder bots and digital dualism. Plus, unpacking the mythology of indie success in the games industry, and a new organization focused on trans women in software. Photo CC-BY Jelle, cropped.
The Lean-In Industry
Attempts to get -- and keep -- more women in tech put the onus solely on women themselves… at tremendous time and cost.
The Myth of The Indie Game Success Story Needs to Stop and Here’s Why
The high visibility of indie success stories creates the illusion that commercial success is accessible and achievable by all, disregarding the challenges most indie developers face.
Questioning the 3D Printing Revolution
Who controls the machines? How are they made? And who makes them?
Artificial Intelligence and the Virtual/IRL Divide
What does it mean for the future of AI when technology mirrors the sensibilities of a dominant group?
The Hidden Dangers of AI for Queer and Trans People
The more we discuss the dangers of training AI on only small sets of data and narrow ideas about identity, the better prepared we will be for the future.
How The Rhetoric of Imposter Syndrome Is Used to Gaslight Women in Tech
The overwhelming focus on imposter syndrome doesn’t provide a space to process the power dynamics affecting you; you get gaslighted into thinking it’s *you* causing all the problems.
This issue is made possible in part by some of our generous readers: Stephanie Hurlburt, David Michaels, Sean Miller, Drew Walker, Rohan Irvine, Dan Ritz, Kristian Glass and Ant Stanley. To become a sponsor, email modelviewculture -at- gmail.