Our efforts in supporting mental health must be comprehensive.
2016 Year in Review
on December 12th, 2016
Building a responsible data approach to practices and comprehension.
Issue 43
on November 15th, 2016
Lack of ethical processes around data collection and management, and ongoing Western control over data, continue the legacy of colonialism within aid work.
Issue 42
on October 19th, 2016
We must avoid thinking that this new virtual frontier is somehow separate from the violences and exclusions that shape the ‘outside world.’
Issue 42
on October 19th, 2016
Two poems about the ways I'm tokenized and asked to respond as a technical POC in the industry.
Issue 42
on October 18th, 2016
In an online survey I conducted, two-thirds of respondents thought depictions of female tech experts were “not particularly accurate” or even “very inaccurate”.
Issue 41
on September 8th, 2016
"Thought leadership" involves a far vaster and more complex labor system than first appears.
Issue 41
on September 8th, 2016
Any contribution I make will either be ignored or exploited to sell their idyllic, inactive intellectualism.
Issue 41
on September 7th, 2016
Wage gaps and hiring discrimination persist despite the fact that most large corporations have affirmative action and equal opportunity policies.