Kara Melton
@karaincontrastKara is a Master’s Candidate in the Department of Gender Studies at Queen’s University. She researches questions of racial progress and spends time thinking on community building, startups, tech and design, board games, and donuts.
Confronting the Assumption of Whiteness in Virtual Spaces
We must avoid thinking that this new virtual frontier is somehow separate from the violences and exclusions that shape the ‘outside world.’
by Kara Melton
Why It Matters That Steph Curry’s On-Court Awesome Is Missing in NBA 2K16
In a social environment where the movement of black people is produced through constant surveillance, Curry’s inability to be accurately transformed into a digital version is a powerful critique.
by Kara Melton
How Tech Business Models Come From Marginalized Communities, But Startups Are Still Mostly White
The word “startup” has begun to signify a particular brand of business success... and a particular type of business person.
by Kara Melton