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A lightbulb, slowly burning out in the dark, a hand reaching out to touch it.
Issue 25 by Anonymous Author on August 11th, 2015
Despite our mythologies of open source as a flat, accessible, democratic model for software development, the way we lead our open source groups consistently proves otherwise.
A beautiful chandelier with a shapely black center and rich, gold curves waterfalling from it.
Issue 25 by Neal Ulrich on August 11th, 2015
Making as a gay man is a political statement that I will not be relegated to the periphery of society, seen as inconsequential, or be without the power to shape my own world and the worlds of others.
Photo of the Millions March march for justice for victims of police violence in NYC. Protestors hold signs that together form Eric Garner's eyes, staring out from the crowd and streets.
Issue 25 by YM Carrington on August 10th, 2015
In a society where equitable access to jobs, housing, and financial services is still threatened by racist discrimination, crowdfunding is a tool that has helped marginalized communities deal with the impact of economic violence.
Still from Rihanna's Bitch Better Have My Money music video. Rihanna lies in an opulent trunk full of cash, covered in blood, smoking a blunt on a lush yard.
Issue 25 by Lauren Chief Elk-Young Bear & Yeoshin Lourdes & Bardot Smith on August 10th, 2015
#GiveYourMoneyToWomen is more than a hashtag, it’s a theory and practical framework of gender justice.
Sign reading "Comment Alley".
Issue 24 by Carli Velocci on July 22nd, 2015
I spoke to the founders and editors of Femsplain,, Black Girl Nerds, Thurst and Autostraddle to find out what it takes to create safe spaces online.
Photo of the author standing behind a wire fence and looking out over roads, fields and hills in Pine Ridge, SD. Her back is to the camera and her red sweatshirt reads "Oglala Lakota Nation."
Issue 24 by Megan Red Shirt Shaw on July 22nd, 2015
In the wipe of rights to our ancestral homelands and the realization that a country we call home doesn’t understand our sovereignty, social media has played a huge role in igniting movements that bring awareness and positive change.
Characters fight a large dragon in Guild Wars 2.
Issue 24 by Melissa King on July 21st, 2015
Simply telling people to use the ignore function is not going to curtail decades-long problems in video games communities.
A rusty, curving pipe along a river.
Issue 24 by Seonaid Lee on July 21st, 2015
How did we become so invisible, irrecoverable stats in dreary headline after dreary headline? And what would be possible if we weren’t?
Black hands outstretched and holding on to a large pillar.
Issue 24 by YM Carrington on July 20th, 2015
The subjugation of Black people will never end until white people confront their desire to see Black bodies suffer.
Broken beer bottle on the ground.
Issue 24 by Victor Yocco on July 20th, 2015
A cautionary tale to individuals and organizations, a call to action to be more proactive against alcohol abuse, and the start of a dialogue within our community.