Faced with organized infiltration, appropriation and psychological abuse in our online communities, we have stopped believing in our own interpretations of what we experience.
online harassment
Issue 18
on March 16th, 2015
Only the stories of those who are entirely sympathetic, that did all the right things, that say all the right words - those who have the privilege to speak publicly - will be heard.
Issue 17
on February 23rd, 2015
The rules never really change, but the potential for harm keeps escalating.
2014 in Review
on December 11th, 2014
"We are not getting hired, and we are not getting promoted, and we are being systematically driven out of the industry."
on October 27th, 2014
The Black Weblog Awards looked like a big success. But harassment, a lack of funding, “allies”, and lukewarm community support made it a constant struggle to keep going.
Sex and Sexuality
on September 8th, 2014
What gives men the idea that sending these kinds of sexually explicit messages off-the-bat, unsolicited, and before getting to know a person is okay?
on April 28th, 2014
We spend a lot of time trying to counteract attacks on our systems, but often overlook abuses directed at people.