The Editor
@modelviewmediaModel View Culture Editorial
Tips on Unionizing Your Tech Workforce
Organizers on getting started, holding conversations about your workplace and building solidarity.
by The Editor
Diversifying Stock Photography: An Interview with Jenifer Daniels, Founder and CEO of Colorstock
"The internet in and of itself is very male and very pale and very English. The way that we write copy, the way we code, the way we find solutions to technical problems, all ascribe to that philosophy of 'white, male and pale.'"
Finding Ourselves in Play: A New Database of Games on Sexuality, Gender and Relationships
"Opportunities for queer representation are improving, but there are certainly still gaps that need to be filled."
by The Editor
& Alayna Cole
A New Way to Support Diversity in Games: Introducing Found Loot!
"Sometimes all you need is a little boost to keep going, so we're trying to do that.”
by The Editor
& Tanya DePass
Putting a Spotlight on Diversity in Tech Burnout
As our initial community survey shows, burnout in the diversity in tech movement represents a state of crisis.
by The Editor
Building a Platform for Black Tech News: Our Interview With Sherrell Dorsey, Founder of ThePLUG
"ThePLUG was birthed out of the idea that creativity and the world of tech are nuanced industries with diverse people that are too often left out of mainstream media."
Building Games at the Intersection of Race, Trans Life and Mental Illness
An Interview with Riley H.
by The Editor
& Riley H
An Interview with Anthony Frasier
"There’s always a lot of things when it comes to Black people in America, where it can make a young person feel like, why even try? It can create so many mental barriers for a young person. So if I can do my part in trying to break those down before they even build up, I’m gonna do that."
Funding In-Depth: Our Subscription Model
A behind-the-scenes look at how MVC subscriptions work: how we set pricing, design our marketing, what technology we use, and how to use these tactics for your own media project.
by The Editor
Designing a Sponsorship Program
We cover picking a price point, promoting your sponsorships, developing ethical guidelines, and how sponsors help us make MVC.
by The Editor
Using Crowdfunding To Support Your Work
How we think about and use crowdfunding at MVC, and what social justice/feminist/community platforms can learn from us.
by The Editor
Funding Model View Culture
Building sustainable funding that supports your mission and goals, allows you to grow, and develops community connection.
by The Editor
Top 25 Model View Culture Posts of 2015
A quick tour of our top articles, features and interviews from the year!
by The Editor
Interview With Aniyia Williams, Founder of Tinsel
We spoke to Aniyia about the wearable tech market, raising seed funding, building your founding team and where Tinsel is going.
Building Fund Club
This is a post about why and how we developed Fund Club, and what we’ve learned in the process.
by The Editor
Interview with Shanley Kane, Editor, Model View Culture
"We are not getting hired, and we are not getting promoted, and we are being systematically driven out of the industry."
by The Editor
Q&A: Making Tech Events Accessible to the Deaf Community
"Not many hearing people realize Deaf people have to fight for access on a daily basis."
by The Editor
& Chad Taylor
An Interview About Gittip With Ellen Marie Dash (duckie)
Community management, open company principles and more.
An Open Letter on Feminism In Tech
We are tired of pretending this stuff doesn’t happen.
by The Editor
Class Mobility, Mentorship and Getting Started in Tech
An Interview with Lynn Cyrin
by The Editor
& Lynn Cyrin
Interview with Leanne Pittsford of Lesbians Who Tech
Q&A on the Summit, queer women in technology, and the latest and greatest in queer tech.
Maven: A Cyberworld for LGBTQ Youth
We interviewed Monica Ann Arrambide from Maven.
Other Types of Play: Games and Anti-Oppression
An interview with Mattie Brice on how play is challenging the status quo as a new tool for activism and expression.
by The Editor
& Mattie Brice
Bay-Area Residents: Rent Responsibly
Don’t Move Into Housing Available Due to Eviction Law Abuse
by The Editor
Pink: Libby Rowe on Interactive Art
Botticelli, 26 pairs of panties, hundreds of broken tea cups and challenging what it means to be feminine.
by The Editor