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A gear in the shape of a flower.
Recent Posts by Nathan Schneider on April 15th, 2020
The challenges to open source's "noble neutrality."
Close-up of the red asphalt of a race track.
Issue 43 by Nikki Brown on November 15th, 2016
There’s plenty of evidence that the competitive, “best in show” approach used in interviewing extends into the core of tech culture itself.
A series of Bitcoin and blockchain charm logos strewn together on a chunky bronze jewelry chain.
Issue 39 by Emma Stamm on July 25th, 2016
Blockchain's scorecard on diversity is no better than the rest of the tech world. In fact, it is arguably worse.
Rows and rows of empty chairs.
Issue 36 by Heather O’Neill on April 27th, 2016
Attempts to get -- and keep -- more women in tech put the onus solely on women themselves… at tremendous time and cost.
From "Fez": Gomez, the main character, has on sunglasses and a gold dollar sign around his neck, and leaps from a pixelated, grassy ground towards dollar signs in starry sky.
Issue 36 by Veve Jaffa on April 27th, 2016
The high visibility of indie success stories creates the illusion that commercial success is accessible and achievable by all, disregarding the challenges most indie developers face.
Close-up of a brightly colored, simple-looking 3d printer, fabricating a small, unknown object.
Issue 36 by Ansh Patel on April 26th, 2016
Who controls the machines? How are they made? And who makes them?
Icon-like illustration of a circular maze, with a icon of a mouse head at the center.
Issue 34 by Jon Lewis on March 17th, 2016
Following political expenditures is a lot like hunting a mouse in a labyrinth where the walls are constantly moving.
A bright, busy market with rows of vendors in early evening.
Issue 33 by Kara Melton on February 22nd, 2016
The word “startup” has begun to signify a particular brand of business success... and a particular type of business person.
Someone making the "shh" gesture with their finger in front of their mouth.
Issue 32 by Michelle Ofiwe on February 2nd, 2016
Online and off, the community continues to struggle with implementing tools that protect its newest members.
Person pictured behind sheets, pressing their hand against the fabric.
2015 Year in Review by Stephanie Morillo on December 16th, 2015
Protecting yourself online takes time, money and privilege.