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Business license with the seal of the City of Chicago affixed to it. In the upper left is a graphic of a megaphone with the text 'Alarm', sound waves emanating from it.
Issue 22 by Jessica Barrett Sattell on June 10th, 2015
Mass-produced surveillance signage is not only about cameras.
Three people standing on a skeletal wooden tractor, pointing upward. The scenery is lush and green, with a vast blue sky.
Issue 22 by Anne Pasek on June 9th, 2015
Configuring tools as a mode of straightforward escape from oppression, be it poverty or unfulfilling work, risks ignoring existing material practices and organizations that hold us to systems of inequity.
A continuation of the previous photo: the same model and angle, but now the flower petals completely cover her shoulders and face, leaving only her short hair exposed against a blue background.
Issue 22 by Riley H on June 9th, 2015
The punishment for stepping out of line can be anywhere from regular harassment to doxxing, and as Black femmes are hypervisible but ultimately powerless, they are regularly crushed in such attacks.
A "Hello, My Name Is" nametag with no name filled in.
Issue 22 by Cameron G. on June 8th, 2015
Confronting the darkness that lies with anonymity as a defining factor of online spaces.
Building pillars of the New York Stock Exchange, rich with gold accents.
Issue 22 by Bardot Smith on June 8th, 2015
Sex workers have long driven major revolutions in technology. They have also been at the forefront of innovating new business models for content, communications, and services themselves.
Small cartoon of a little bird.
Issue 21 by Stephanie Morillo on May 21st, 2015
Social justice activism is one of the most empowering ways to create change in our industry.
A Super post by the author reading "The worst is when white gun enthusiasts talk to me about police murdering blacks." The text is superimposed over the names and photos of black people murdered by police.
Issue 21 by Aja Barber on May 20th, 2015
While today Twitter is one of the biggest platforms for social justice organization online, it’s important that these movements can spread on emerging platforms as well.
International access symbol on a brick wall.
Issue 21 by Lacey Williams Henschel on May 20th, 2015
Wide accessibility must become a part of everything we do in the tech industry, and our events are a critical part of that mission.
A group of young girls, all wearing lacy, floaty dance dresses with flowers in their hair. The camera is focused on the only young black girl in the group, her hands clasped together and looking off-camera. Image via Tumblr account blackgirlsarefromthefuture via wocinsolidarity.
Issue 21 by Nehal El-Hadi on May 19th, 2015
Radical curation has meant the validation and celebration of our existence.
Interior of a chronograph.
Issue 21 by Coraline Ada Ehmke on May 19th, 2015
Is it enough to be measured by the quality of our code alone?