Issue 22
the Week of June 8, 2015

In this issue, read new articles critiquing the emerging fintech bubble, the state of liberational technology, and the semiotics of surveillance in the built environment. We explore how anonymity functions in online communities, misogynoiristic expectancy on social media, and the online/offline dichotomy. Plus, deconstructing the mythologies of the tech boom-bust cycle. Photo CC-BY milena mihaylova, cropped & filtered.
Folk Tales of the Dot-Com Bust
We are conditioned to reason about economic vulnerability in terms of individual merit, instead of as systemic failure.
New Vulnerabilities: Women of Color, Privacy, And The False Dualism Of Online and Offline
As women of colour, online spaces and social networks have enabled us to produce and control our own stories, build networks and communities and find our scattered tribes.
We See The Signs: Graphic Design, Typography and Surveillance Aesthetics
Mass-produced surveillance signage is not only about cameras.
Tripping Over Our Bootstraps: Open Source Ecology and the Promise of Liberational Technology
Configuring tools as a mode of straightforward escape from oppression, be it poverty or unfulfilling work, risks ignoring existing material practices and organizations that hold us to systems of inequity.
Misogynoiristic Expectancy: Social Media Popularity and the Black Femme
The punishment for stepping out of line can be anywhere from regular harassment to doxxing, and as Black femmes are hypervisible but ultimately powerless, they are regularly crushed in such attacks.
Anonymity and Toxic Internet Culture
Confronting the darkness that lies with anonymity as a defining factor of online spaces.
Sex, Money, and the Trillion Dollar Shadow
Sex workers have long driven major revolutions in technology. They have also been at the forefront of innovating new business models for content, communications, and services themselves.
This issue is made possible in part by some of our generous readers: Corey Csuhta, Damian Stewart, Matt Luedke, Damien Lebreuilly and Andrew Wright.