When workers get hurt and are instantly pushed out for someone new and healthy, it’s easy to miss the number of people nursing chronic pain and injuries as a result of their jobs.
Issue 40
on August 15th, 2016
Verification fragments an open platform based on social hierarchy and provides rewards and treatment accordingly.
Issue 39
on July 28th, 2016
"As folks talk about the booming economy and the wealth and incredible jobs that tech is creating, the folks that are being left behind are the invisible workforce, are people of color. "
Issue 39
on July 28th, 2016
"...we will always win when we take on fights or campaigns like this, because we know that our fight is relational. We can build coalitions, we can build relationships, and that’s what makes us twice as strong. The opposition is about dollars and figures. "
Issue 39
on July 27th, 2016
What if we were able to harness technology independent of military and carceral dictation of the movement? How can we think about technologies in ways that would be helpful to women, not used as violence against us?
Issue 39
on July 27th, 2016
"Sometimes all you need is a little boost to keep going, so we're trying to do that.”
Issue 39
on July 26th, 2016
Why is it that so many of us in underrepresented groups fail to create connections with one another, when we are just a few feet away from each other?
Issue 39
on July 25th, 2016
My hope is that we can allow folks to express the truths of their existence and be their full selves while seeking to connect with others.
Issue 39
on July 25th, 2016
Blockchain's scorecard on diversity is no better than the rest of the tech world. In fact, it is arguably worse.