Support staff are often expected to respect the states of our more privileged and powerful co-workers, yet our own frailties, states of depression, or anxiety are seen as not deserving of care and accommodation.
Social Media
on June 30th, 2014
Soon enough, you'll have defeated all those misguided Social Justice Warriors, for the good of mankind (where mankind = brogrammers)!
Social Media
on June 30th, 2014
Feminist Killjoys, #TwitterPanic, And AAPI Feminist Digital Disruption
Social Media
on June 30th, 2014
I can’t help but see historical parallels in the multiple forms of antiblack backlash Black women have received on social media over the past few years.
Social Media
on June 30th, 2014
Often absent from the mainstream discussion of global and domestic violence against women is the recognition of the state as a perpetrator.
on April 28th, 2014
What does it mean to have success socializing at hot-ticket events if you can't get past the front door of them?
on April 28th, 2014
“Go to HR, deal with that asshole head on, but whatever you do, do not lose your shit. You can’t become ‘angry black woman.’”