Davida Small
@vidagridDavida Small lives in Oakland, California and has written for the Oakland Tribune, the Sun Reporter/California Voice newspapers, and done research at The Center for Investigative Reporting’s bureau in Washington, DC. She has a B.A. in English literature from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently, she volunteers as an events organizer at Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL), a people-of-color-led, gender-balanced maker space in East Oakland. She also likes to participate with Oakland’s LocalWiki group on collaborative knowledge-based projects.
Feeling Some Kind of Way About Surveillance
Racial profiling fundamentally relies on surveillance, and in the case of African Americans, it’s been going on for hundreds of years; so far we have not been able to opt out of being constantly watched.
by Davida Small
Mental Illness In The Workplace: Are You Being Served?
Support staff are often expected to respect the states of our more privileged and powerful co-workers, yet our own frailties, states of depression, or anxiety are seen as not deserving of care and accommodation.
by Davida Small