"We are Black Women, AfroIndigenous and women of color who have organized a social media Blackout."
2014 in Review
on December 11th, 2014
I weigh the challenges we face against the spirit of our group. We embrace our blackness, we love black identity, and we are proud to be coders.
2014 in Review
on December 11th, 2014
"We are not getting hired, and we are not getting promoted, and we are being systematically driven out of the industry."
2014 in Review
on December 10th, 2014
The idea that the software industry benefits from an unwritten law of unconditional and mutual respect is an extension of meritocratic thinking: it’s as unrealistic as the meritocracy itself.
2014 in Review
on December 9th, 2014
I condemn the culture that has no problem acknowledging and using my labor, but would not support my fight for my humanity.
2014 in Review
on December 9th, 2014
The leaking of celebrity nudes was a part of the larger trend in 2014: reminding women of our place and using technology and the sexism in tech to do so.
2014 in Review
on December 9th, 2014
There’s little to no evidence that more technology or more data-mining will “fix” education.
2014 in Review
on December 8th, 2014
This is the year that social media has really stepped into its power.