In an industry where black, Latina, and indigenous womyn make up less than 3% of the field, we know that walking through those code school doors, we will be outliers.
Issue 17
on February 23rd, 2015
The tradition of privileging only technical skills triggers imbalance and inequality.
Issue 17
on February 23rd, 2015
The rules never really change, but the potential for harm keeps escalating.
on January 22nd, 2015
In computer science classrooms across high schools and universities, minorities are excluded and exit early in the pipeline.
on January 21st, 2015
While some code schools are intentionally predatory institutions, many more simply recycle the tired tropes and biased practices rampant in startup culture.
on January 20th, 2015
Hardware is too often ignored when it comes to improving inclusivity.
on January 20th, 2015
We need to question our “objective” and “technical” opinions about programming languages.
on January 20th, 2015
Myths about engineering management harm projects. This makes them annoying and expensive. They also harm people. This makes them dangerous.