Betsy Haibel is a software engineer based in Washington DC. She’s also a RailsGirls DC mentor, an organizer for Spanning Tree (DC’s incipient feminist hackerspace), one-half of the feminist code collective Irregular Gentlewomen, and an occasional set designer. Her other writing, both fiction and nonfiction, may be found here.
The Life Cycle of Programming Languages
New programming language communities are “graded” on how cutting-edge they are: our pattern-matching capabilities associate white men with the cutting edge, especially if they’re talking about monads.
by Betsy Haibel
Hacker Mythologies and Mismanagement
Myths about engineering management harm projects. This makes them annoying and expensive. They also harm people. This makes them dangerous.
by Betsy Haibel
The Fantasy and Abuse of the Manipulable User
When mistreating users becomes competitive advantage.
by Betsy Haibel