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games industry

Recent Posts by Elijah Forbes on April 13th, 2020
That flux is creating enormous changes in what might be little Indigenous-run studios, but it is these creatives who have been meeting those same challenges head on in ways that larger studios cannot hope to.
An X-ray image of a hand, illuminating the underlying skeletal structure.
Issue 40 by Eira A. Ekre on August 16th, 2016
When workers get hurt and are instantly pushed out for someone new and healthy, it’s easy to miss the number of people nursing chronic pain and injuries as a result of their jobs.
Ellie and Riley from The Last of Us: Left Behind, looking towards us as if posing for a photograph; Riley is giving Ellie bunny ears behind her head. Both are dressed in soiled outdoors-y clothes and wearing backpacks.
Issue 37 by Veve Jaffa on May 24th, 2016
Diverse characters and storylines are often withheld from games to be sold as optional add-ons for additional cost.
Dozens of blue tickets.
Issue 34 by Veve Jaffa on March 14th, 2016
As the majority of marginalized developers risk financial stability to attend industry events, our primary goal, too, goes ignored: building the resources and capital to finance our work.