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game studios

An X-ray image of a hand, illuminating the underlying skeletal structure.
Issue 40 by Eira A. Ekre on August 16th, 2016
When workers get hurt and are instantly pushed out for someone new and healthy, it’s easy to miss the number of people nursing chronic pain and injuries as a result of their jobs.
From "Fez": Gomez, the main character, has on sunglasses and a gold dollar sign around his neck, and leaps from a pixelated, grassy ground towards dollar signs in starry sky.
Issue 36 by Veve Jaffa on April 27th, 2016
The high visibility of indie success stories creates the illusion that commercial success is accessible and achievable by all, disregarding the challenges most indie developers face.
Clock face, slightly burned as if it's been in a fire.
Issue 34 by Eira A. Ekre on March 16th, 2016
We have continuously talked about how harmful crunch is. But game studios haven't changed their ways.