Though adults are free to opt in and out of advertising services and control the collection and use of their personal data, children have no such power.
Issue 23
on June 29th, 2015
Legitimacy as a programmer universally requires a stamp of approval from institutions with power and privilege over marginalized groups.
Issue 18
on March 18th, 2015
The gap between my experience as a black woman in tech, and what others perceive of that experience.
on January 22nd, 2015
In computer science classrooms across high schools and universities, minorities are excluded and exit early in the pipeline.
on January 21st, 2015
While some code schools are intentionally predatory institutions, many more simply recycle the tired tropes and biased practices rampant in startup culture.
on January 20th, 2015
Hardware is too often ignored when it comes to improving inclusivity.
2014 in Review
on December 9th, 2014
There’s little to no evidence that more technology or more data-mining will “fix” education.
on October 7th, 2014
The same technologists who protest against the NSA’s metadata collection programs are the ones profiting the most from the widespread surveillance of students.