We continue to arbitrarily trust the judgements of white, able-bodied, neurotypical cis dudes to define personhood in the digital world.
Issue 30
on November 23rd, 2015
Marginalized developers suffer from an industry-wide epidemic that withholds basic income from hard-working artists for the dubious privilege of exposure. But despite popular belief, we are not in dire need of exposure, petty consolations, or a tent on the outskirts of a major industry event.
Issue 29
on November 5th, 2015
Makeathons and other similar events want to “do good” and “make the world a better place.” The people behind these events need to realize *how* they do them is as important as *why* they are doing them.
Issue 29
on November 4th, 2015
Very often, specialized companies create assistive technology with little input from actual users with disabilities. These products are usually institutional in look and feel, overpriced, and only reimbursable by insurance.
Issue 29
on November 4th, 2015
Organizations run by primarily white, cis, straight founders train the majority of their focus on alleviating alienation for white cis women in cis male-centric spaces, but do little to dig deeper into other marginalized identities and access needs.
Issue 29
on November 3rd, 2015
We still see male-dominated lineup after male-dominated lineup, at clubs and festivals predominantly run by male bookers and promoters.
Issue 29
on November 2nd, 2015
I’m advocating for you to incorporate reproductive justice as a lens through which to view your work in the tech industry.
Issue 29
on November 2nd, 2015
Evidence that Asian American women haven't been fully included in technology is found not only in recent lawsuits, but in the lack of Asian American women in tech leadership.
Issue 28
on October 14th, 2015
We spoke to Aniyia about the wearable tech market, raising seed funding, building your founding team and where Tinsel is going.
Issue 28
on October 14th, 2015
Anti-content control rhetoric supplants widely-available psychological and sociological facts for misinformed opinions that are not only insufficient for helping others manage their own mental state, but offer wholly inadequate solutions for online abuse.