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A continuation of the previous photo: the same model and angle, but now the flower petals completely cover her shoulders and face, leaving only her short hair exposed against a blue background.
Issue 22 by Riley H on June 9th, 2015
The punishment for stepping out of line can be anywhere from regular harassment to doxxing, and as Black femmes are hypervisible but ultimately powerless, they are regularly crushed in such attacks.
A group of young girls, all wearing lacy, floaty dance dresses with flowers in their hair. The camera is focused on the only young black girl in the group, her hands clasped together and looking off-camera. Image via Tumblr account blackgirlsarefromthefuture via wocinsolidarity.
Issue 21 by Nehal El-Hadi on May 19th, 2015
Radical curation has meant the validation and celebration of our existence.