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tech workers

Person in mask holding a sign that reads "Workers lives are essential! I stand in solidarity with Amazon workers."
Recent Posts by Sam Kern & Matt Smith on May 14th, 2020
The history of the labor movement shows that big business will go to great lengths to keep workers divided and maintain their power.
Accounting paperwork, glasses and a calculator.
Issue 43 by Liz Frost on November 16th, 2016
Being a tech worker means wielding a tremendous amount of privilege, and with that privilege comes a non-negotiable obligation to help those less privileged out.
The Death Star rising above an urban landscape with power lines in the distance.
Issue 33 by Shanley Kane on February 25th, 2016
Why in the fuck would you stand with billionaires, corrupt power centers, and technology dynasties... over the very people that you work alongside?