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Large sports stadium with a floor absolutely packed with hackers at tables.
2016 Year in Review by Gloria Lin on December 15th, 2016
This is a feminist issue considering hackathon practices prevent the growth of a diverse, critical tech sphere.
Map of the underwire active and planned submarine cable systems around the world. For the purposes of this article, the map illustrates the vast number of internet cables that cluster around the Western world.
Issue 43 by Anonymous Author on November 15th, 2016
Lack of ethical processes around data collection and management, and ongoing Western control over data, continue the legacy of colonialism within aid work.
Donna and Cameron standing outside of a brick building, reviewing notes.
Issue 42 by Kay Kollmann on October 18th, 2016
In an online survey I conducted, two-thirds of respondents thought depictions of female tech experts were “not particularly accurate” or even “very inaccurate”.
Photo of brightly-colored marbles, suspended in air over a field.
Issue 32 by Dr. Nicole Forsgren & Jez Humble on February 4th, 2016
Two ideas conspire to drive underrepresented groups from the field: the belief that innate ability and brilliance are required to succeed; and the belief that certain groups of people do not have that innate brilliance.
Swirling whirlpool of muddy water.
Issue 32 by February Keeney on February 1st, 2016
Being trans brings an entire new layer of bias and discrimination to play in every interview.
Note taped to a window reading 'You must believe in yourself'.
Issue 20 by Cate Huston on April 28th, 2015
Tech culture doles out imposter syndrome on one side, hubris on the other.