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social good

Map of the underwire active and planned submarine cable systems around the world. For the purposes of this article, the map illustrates the vast number of internet cables that cluster around the Western world.
Issue 43 by Anonymous Author on November 15th, 2016
Lack of ethical processes around data collection and management, and ongoing Western control over data, continue the legacy of colonialism within aid work.
Photo of the workshop space. Various members of Team Free To Pee are involved in various activities—some are bent over working on a blue plastic prototype seat, some are standing, some are sitting and some are in wheelchairs in the middle of the action.
Issue 29 by Alice Wong on November 5th, 2015
Makeathons and other similar events want to “do good” and “make the world a better place.” The people behind these events need to realize *how* they do them is as important as *why* they are doing them.
Image from NYC Rise Up and #ShutItDown for Baltimore protest in Union Square, New York, with a large banner reading Black Lives Matter, a number of people gathered around it holding posters and listening to a speaker.
Issue 23 by Ebele Mogo on July 2nd, 2015
Seven principles that past movements have taught me on sustaining change today, drawing especially from the civil rights movement.