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CS programs

Picture frames against a wall.
Issue 34 by Tilde Ann Thurium on March 14th, 2016
Bootcamps are a micro example of how the tech industry is built on the emotional labor of the same groups who are marginalized within it.
A woman sitting and facing snow-covered trees, pictured through a 4-pane window.
Issue 27 by Anonymous Author on September 17th, 2015
I look around and I see my friends building technologies that make life easier for abusers. I am overwhelmingly sad thinking of all the people whose lives have been made orders of magnitude more hellish carrying ever-connected computers on their bodies.
Sand, with a dry, cracked chasm splitting it.
Issue 18 by Korin Reid on March 18th, 2015
The gap between my experience as a black woman in tech, and what others perceive of that experience.