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A street in Cuba, electric wires hanging in between lines of storefronts and residences. It's a beautiful sunny day and people are walking down the street in the distance.
Issue 19 by Daniel José Older on April 8th, 2015
The changing faces and storefronts reveal another chapter in the long ugly history of race and power.
Screenshot of The Save Wįyąbi Mapping Project webpage. The map shows most of Canada and the United States. The map illustrates the number of unsolved missing and solved and unsolved murders of Indigenous women with glowing, numbered red circles transposed on the map. The numbers shown in this view total nearly 1000, with high concentrations in the southwest corner of Canada (317), and the upper Midwest US and bordering area of Canada (191).
Social Media by Lauren Chief Elk-Young Bear on June 30th, 2014
Often absent from the mainstream discussion of global and domestic violence against women is the recognition of the state as a perpetrator.
The memorial statue in Glendale.
Funding by Kiriko Kikuchi & Dorothy Kim on April 7th, 2014
We Are Not Your Clickbait.
Lean Out by Shanley Kane on February 24th, 2014
The ultimate message of Lean In ideology is transparent in the name itself: Stay in the machine. Work for the machine. Appease the machine.