Jack Aponte
@jackaponteJack is a gender/queer Black Boricua living in Oakland, CA. Jack has worked at the intersection of tech and social justice since 2003. Their roles at Palante include Backdrop and Drupal site builder and developer, CiviCRM support person, project manager, and trainer on a wide range of topics from data management to digital security. Jack has been involved in activism and organizing for many years, working primarily within LGBTQ and people of color organizations and communities. They serve on the board of Aspiration and the Backdrop Project Management Committee. Jack is also a writer, leftist gadfly, casual musician and all around geek.
Worker Coops: A Better Way to Make a Living in Tech
By building our cooperative upon these principles, supplemented by our politics and dedication to social and economic justice, worker-owners at tech coops are able to shape our own deeply rewarding careers in technology, unrestricted by the constraints and bitter compromises that characterize more traditional careers in the industry.
by Jack Aponte