Rebecca Hiles is a dating, relationships, and sexual wellness coach called The Frisky Fairy. She is a writer who addresses issues of polyamory, cancer, sex education, and sex toys. She is a regular contributor to, and has contributed to discussing her life as a polyamorous cancer patient, among other things. She is a member of the Poly Leadership Network, and is certified as a sex educator through Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. She was voted one of the Top 100 Sex Blogging Superheroes of 2014. She is currently a student of Dr. Ava Cadell’s Loveology University. She has spoken at CatalystCon West, The ManDATE 2014 Conference, and CatalystCon East 2015, and will be speaking at Atlanta Poly Weekend, Rocky Mountain Poly Living, Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, and InfinityCon in 2015.